Fast Bidding Assistant

Our Production Power

We are manufacturing products with perfect quality and sensitivity with our engineers and team of production specialists in our 5000 square meter manufacturing site which has international quality standards. All personnel who are working in each department of production is expert of his/her profession. We are using robotic technologies and artifical intelligence on production. We are receiving performance feedback of our products with Arma WOC production planning software. We are conducting Industry 4.0 grade production with our manufacturing process which is based on integrated information technology.

We are flexible to concuct special production products which is needed by our business partners besides our standard products. We have production capacity is able to provide all access control system of 5 international airports in approxamitaly 21 days (3 weeks)

We are conducting quality control processes in each step of production. We are manufacturing with international security and quality standards by building our products with raw materials which has passed our formidable stability, durability, seamlessness tests